Monday, February 9, 2009

Discussion in the Classroom....or not......

In my CT's classroom, we use a writer's workshop and a reader's workshop idea for language arts instruction. He also does a spelling lesson for about 10-15 minutes everyday in the afternoon. The workshops occur about twice a week and are very unstructured. The CT does not lead discussions, even in other subject lessons. He teaches from the book answers any questions for clarification and then sends the children to work. When I observed A writer's workshop lesson, the teacher read a short story from his manual about noun use, and then instructed the students to write a story using more descriptive nouns other than "stuff" and "thing". There was no discussion in this lesson. I have not seen an official "reading" lesson in the whole time I have been in his class, including last semester.
I did tell the CT that I need to focus on Language Arts and math this semester, so he has given me the whole language arts block twice a week to instruct the students in book clubs. I picked the books we will use, created the project packets, created the ideas for how the projects and instruction time will be used and how assignments will be graded. I also rearranged the student's desks so that they wil sit in their book club groups. Although I am happy that the CT let me take this over, I would have liked to have seen HIM complete some structured reading lessons and have some discussions with the students.

I hope that as the CT sees me working with the students and how the discussions I have planned for book clubs work, he will be more inclined to incorporate discussion with the groups.

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT experience that you are having with getting to lead the students in book club! I know that you have had many negative things happen in your placement, but I really just wanted to point out how cool it is for you to practice your skills. If something cool happens in your teaching, you should definitely share it with the class.
